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Employee Benefits Survey: Everything You Need to Know

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There's a science to selecting employee benefits that effectively balance employer budgets and employee priorities. Employee benefits play a crucial role in attracting, retaining, and motivating top talent within any organization.

An interactive employee benefits survey is your strategic advantage in creating a harmonious and effective workforce.

The right questions blueprint your people's benefits outlook, including satisfaction, pain points, and desired additions.

This intel will shape offerings to reflect what your workforce wants most for their well-being, finances, and career.

In this blog, we'll explore the importance of conducting employee benefits surveys, dive into key survey questions that will transform your benefits program into a strategic driver of engagement, productivity, and loyalty.

* If offered access to more benefits, 73% of employees would be encouraged to stay with their current employer for longer (MetLife)

Data Source

The stats show that employees have always been and will be inclined towards better benefits instead of work, efforts, and involvement in a professional workspace.

The data shows that 73% of staff would stay longer at a company if offered enhanced benefits versus seeking opportunities elsewhere.

This highlights a major chance for strategic additions supporting financial wellness, flexibility, and health - even modest - to aid recruitment and loyalty.

With turnover so costly, businesses making progressive benefits investments that boost engagement and productivity will stand out.

What are Employee Benefits Surveys?

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Employee benefits surveys are questionnaires designed to gather feedback and insights directly from an organization's staff regarding the employee benefits programs offered to them.

They aim to assess employees' satisfaction, preferences, and future needs related to benefits.

Benefits include health insurance, retirement plans, flexible work arrangements, professional development stipends, and other offerings to support well-being and life outside work.

These surveys gather direct feedback from your people about what health plans, wellness options, work-life supports, and other perks resonate most. The interactive process gives employees a platform for input on priorities and challenges.Acting as Pulse Surveys., they help gauge satisfaction and needs swiftly.

Simultaneously, it provides leadership with a data treasure trove to inform benefits decision making with pinpoint precision no guesswork can match.

In short, employee benefits surveys achieve the coveted win-win.

Why Employee Benefits Surveys are Important!

A recent employee benefits survey employee benefits survey shows that while staples like health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off remain highly valued by companies, wellness and education benefits are emerging priorities.

By conducting regular employee benefits surveys, organizations can stay aware and connected to their workforce's evolving needs and ensure their benefits package remains competitive, cost-effective, and aligned with employee preferences.

Companies conduct employee benefits surveys for several key reasons:

1.Understand Employee Needs and Preferences: By gathering feedback directly from employees, companies can better understand which benefits are most valued and important to their workforce. This allows them to tailor the benefits package to better meet employee needs.

  1. Benchmark Against Industry Standards: Employee benefits surveys provide data on the types of benefits offered by competitors and other companies in the same industry. This helps organizations ensure their benefits package is competitive and attractive to both current and prospective employees.

Employee survey platform -Vantage Pulse, offers industry benchmarking, exhaustive insights and built-in templates to help HRs get started.

  1. Improve Employee Satisfaction and Retention: When employees feel their needs are being met through the benefits provided, it can increase job satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty. This can lead to improved retention of top talent.

  2. Optimize Benefits Spending: Understanding employee preferences allows companies to allocate their benefits budget more efficiently, ensuring they are investing in the benefits that are truly valued by the workforce.

  3. Comply with Regulations: Some employee benefits, such as health insurance and retirement plans, are subject to government regulations. Surveys can help organizations ensure they are offering the required benefits and remaining compliant.

  4. Inform Benefits Strategy: The findings from employee benefits surveys can help prepare the company's overall benefits strategy, like which new benefits to introduce, which to modify or enhance, and which to potentially eliminate.

Organizational responsiveness to employee feedback leads to higher retention rates, lower absenteeism, improved productivity, better customer service and higher employee morale. The fact that the organization is conducting a survey can send a positive message to employees that their opinions are valued.

A recent employee benefits survey shows that while staples like health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off remain highly valued by companies, wellness and education benefits are emerging priorities.

Key Components of an Employee Benefits Survey

Using Survey Results to Optimize Benefits Offerings.png

Survey Structure

To create a comprehensive employee benefits survey, it's important to incorporate a variety of question formats. These formats allow you to gather both quantitative data and qualitative insights, providing a well-rounded view of employee opinions.

Likert Scale Questions

Likert scale questions ask respondents to rate their agreement or satisfaction with a statement on a scale, typically from 1 to 5 or 1 to 10. This format helps gauge the intensity of employees' feelings about specific aspects of the benefits package.


  • How satisfied are you with the overall health insurance plan offered by the company?

    a: Very Dissatisfied

    b: Dissatisfied

    c: Neutral

    d: Satisfied

    e: Very Satisfied

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)

MCQs provide a set of predefined answers from which employees can choose. This format is ideal for gathering specific data points quickly and efficiently.


  • Which of the following benefits do you find most valuable?

    a. Health Insurance

    b. Retirement Plan

    c. Paid Time Off

    d. Wellness Programs

    e. Flexible Work Arrangements

Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions allow employees to share their thoughts and experiences in their own words. These questions can reveal deeper insights and uncover issues that may not be captured by structured questions.


  • What additional benefits would you like to see offered by the company?

Types of Questions

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To ensure your survey covers all relevant areas, it should include different types of questions that address both general satisfaction and specific details of the benefits package.

General Satisfaction Questions

These questions assess the overall contentment with the benefits package and provide a broad view of how employees feel about the benefits offered.


  • How satisfied are you with the benefits package provided by the company as a whole?

Specific Benefits Assessment

These questions focus on individual benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, or wellness programs, to gather detailed insights on each offering.


"How satisfied are you with the dental insurance plan offered by the company?"

Usage and Importance

Understanding how employees utilize and value specific benefits is crucial. These questions help you identify which benefits are most important to employees and how frequently they are used.


  • How important is the child care assistance benefit to you?

    a. Not Important

    b. Slightly Important

    c. Moderately Important

    d. Very Important

    e. Extremely Important

Open-Ended Questions

These questions allow employees to express their thoughts freely, providing qualitative data that can offer deeper insights into their preferences and concerns.


  • What improvements would you suggest for our current retirement plan options?

Comparative Questions

Comparative questions help gauge how your benefits stack up against those offered by competitors. These questions can reveal whether employees feel your benefits package is competitive and attractive.


  • How do you think our company’s benefits package compares to those offered by other companies in our industry?

    a. Much Worse

    b. Worse

    c. About the Same

    d. Better

    e. Much Better

Employee Benefits Survey Questions

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We've curated a few employee benefits survey questions to delve deeper into our valued workforce's nuanced needs and preferences.

Benefits Inquiry: General Queries

  1. Can you easily access [your company]'s benefits program? (Yes/No)

  2. Are you satisfied with the benefits provided by [your company]? (Yes/No)

  3. Do the benefits influence your decision to work here? (Short answer)

  4. Rate [your company]'s employee benefits plan on a scale of 0-5 for meeting your needs.

  5. Which benefits do you consider most important? (Short answer)

Healthcare Survey Questions

Here are some additional employee healthcare survey questions:


  1. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with our current healthcare benefits?

  2. What aspects of our health benefits work well for you?

  3. What aspects of our health benefits are most frustrating or confusing?


  1. How adequately do our health insurance plans cover your needs related to doctors’ visits, prescriptions, dental, vision, etc.?

  2. Are there any frequent healthcare expenses you pay mostly out-of-pocket?

  3. Do any of your family members lack coverage that you wish was provided?


  1. How likely would you be to participate in employer-offered preventative health and wellness programs?

  2. What specific wellness initiatives should our organization invest more in for employees (e.g. mental health resources, fitness reimbursement, nutrition counseling, etc.)?


  1. Do you have suggestions on improving healthcare benefits for employees?

  2. What offerings from previous employers or other companies could we incorporate?


  1. How important are customized plans with options to meet your individual needs?

  2. Should our organization offer several carriers and plan levels to choose from?

Fitness and Gym Benefits Survey Questions

  1. Are you satisfied with [your company]'s new fitness plan? (Yes/No)

  2. Does the company’s gym membership offer financial benefits to you? (Yes/No)

  3. Is the reimbursement process for gym payments straightforward? (Yes/No)

  4. Do the fitness benefits align with your personal development goals? (Yes/No)

Retirement and Savings Survey Questions:

  1. Do you find the company's contribution to retirement funds generous? (Yes/No)

  2. Are you content with the company’s retirement plan program? (Yes/No)

  3. Do you feel confident in understanding and accessing your retirement benefits? (Yes/No)

  4. If you could change one thing about the retirement plan, what would it be? (Short answer)

Professional Development and Tuition Investigation:

  1. Do you feel you have sufficient opportunities for growth while working here? (Yes/No)

  2. Does the employer provide a sufficient professional development allowance? (Yes/No)

  3. Do you feel empowered to explore new skills using your development allowance? (Yes/No)

  4. Do you understand the process for requesting training/tuition reimbursements? (Yes/No)

Parental Leave Inquiry:

  1. Rate [your company]'s parental leave program from 0-5 stars.

  2. Does your manager support balancing work and childcare responsibilities? (Yes/No)

  3. Does the parental leave program align with your needs? (Yes/No)

  4. Do you feel informed about your rights regarding parental leave? (Yes/No)

Benefit Satisfaction Questions:

  1. I am satisfied with the current benefits package.

  2. I have received a fair benefits package for my job.

  3. On a scale on 1-5, How would you rate the benefits package?

  4. Do you have any recommendations for future benefits we could offer?

Childcare Benefits Survey Questions:

  1. How satisfied are you with the current childcare benefits offered?

  2. How likely would you utilize an onsite daycare facility if made available at a subsidized rate?

  3. Which additional childcare benefits should be considered as part of our offerings? (Select all that apply)

    • After school care

    • Sick child care

    • Summer care camps

    • Flexible spending accounts for childcare expenses

    • Childcare provider referrals

    • Parenting workshops/seminars

  4. On a scale of 1-5, how valuable would corporate discounted rates at childcare centers in your area be?

  5. Which child-related needs are most difficult to address currently that employee benefits could potentially assist with? (Select top 3)

    • Finding care for school holidays/teacher development days

    • Managing pick ups/drop offs and schedules

    • Locating trustworthy babysitters for dates and evenings out

    • Obtaining care for mildly ill children

    • Affording quality childcare arrangements

Learning & Development Survey Questions:

  1. How satisfied are you with the learning opportunities provided by the company? [1-5 scale: Very Dissatisfied to Very Satisfied]

  2. How relevant are the training programs to your current role and responsibilities? [1-5 scale: Not at all Relevant to Extremely Relevant]

  3. What types of learning formats do you find most effective? (Select all that apply) [Multiple choice: In-person workshops, Online courses, Webinars, On-the-job training, Mentoring, Other (please specify)]

  4. What areas would you like to see more training or development opportunities in? [Open-ended]

  5. Do you feel the company's L&D programs have helped improve your job performance? [Yes/No/Unsure]

Segmentation of Employee Benefits Survey Responses

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One key aspect of analyzing employee benefits survey data is segmenting the responses based on different demographic factors. This allows companies to identify unique needs and preferences among different employee groups, which can then inform more tailored benefits offerings.

Some common ways companies segment employee benefits survey responses include:

Age: Analyzing survey responses by age groups can reveal different priorities and preferences. For example, younger employees may value benefits like student loan assistance or flexible work arrangements, while older employees may prioritize retirement planning and healthcare coverage.

Tenure: The length of time an employee has been with the organization can also influence their benefits needs. New hires may have different requirements compared to long-term employees who are more established in their careers and personal lives.

Family Status: Whether an employee is single, married, or has dependents (children or elderly parents) can significantly impact the types of benefits they find most valuable. For instance, employees with families may place greater importance on health insurance, childcare assistance, or parental leave.

Job Level/Role: The specific job responsibilities and career stage of employees can drive different benefits preferences. For example, entry-level staff may prioritize professional development opportunities, while executives may value more robust retirement planning options.

Location: For organizations with a geographically dispersed workforce, location can be an important segmentation factor. Employees in different regions or countries may have unique cultural or regulatory needs when it comes to benefits.

Here are common demographic question examples to include in surveys:

  • What is your age group? [18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+, Prefer not to say]

  • What gender do you identify as? [Male, Female, Non-binary, Other (please specify), Prefer not to say]

  • What is your ethnicity? (Select all that apply) [List relevant ethnic categories, include 'Other' and 'Prefer not to say' options]

  • What is the highest level of education you have completed? [High School, Some College, Associate's Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Doctorate, Other (please specify)]

  • How long have you been with the company? [Less than 1 year, 1-2 years, 3-5 years, 6-10 years, More than 10 years]

  • What is your current job level? [Entry-level, Mid-level, Senior-level, Management, Executive, Other (please specify)]

  • In which department do you work? [List relevant departments in your organization]

  • What is your primary work location? [Office, Remote, Hybrid, Other (please specify)]

  • Do you have any disabilities or long-term health conditions? [Yes, No, Prefer not to say]

  • What is your preferred language for workplace communication? [List relevant languages, include 'Other' option]

By analyzing survey responses through these demographic lenses, companies can gain deeper insights into the nuanced needs of their workforce. This allows them to design a comprehensive and flexible benefits package that caters to the diverse requirements of different employee groups, ultimately enhancing overall job satisfaction and retention.

The segmentation process involves carefully analyzing the survey data to identify statistically significant differences in preferences and needs across the various demographic segments. This helps ensure the benefits offerings are optimized to meet the unique requirements of each employee population. Many Survey tool providers offer templates that give an organization exactly what they need.Culture Monkey,Vantage Pulse, Survey Sparrow and Workday Peakon are some of the top-rated survey tools you can opt for.

Recommended Read: How to Design an Employee Survey

How to Analyze Employee Benefits Survey Data

How to analyze employee benefits survey data.png

If the management is all talk and no action, employees will eventually get more disengaged. It is important to back up surveys with strategies and solutions based on the output.

Analyzing employee benefits survey data is crucial for understanding how well your benefits program meets the needs of your workforce. Here’s how to approach the process effectively:

  1. Set Clear Objectives

Ask yourself, what is the prime objective of this analysis. Are you looking to assess overall satisfaction, identify gaps in your benefits offerings, or compare your program to industry benchmarks?

  1. Organize and Segment the Data

Before getting into the analysis, organize your data by sorting it into relevant categories such as healthcare, retirement plans, paid time off, and other benefits. Clean the data by removing duplicates and addressing any inconsistencies.

Break down the survey results by demographics such as department, tenure, age, and location. This segmentation helps you identify trends and preferences among different groups within your organization.

  1. Evaluate Quantitative and Qualitative Responses

Look at the numerical data, such as satisfaction ratings or utilization rates. Calculate averages, percentages, and other relevant statistics to get an overview of how employees feel about each benefit. Review open-ended responses to understand the specific concerns or suggestions employees have about the benefits

  1. Compare with Benchmarks

Compare your results with industry standards or previous survey data. This will help you see where your benefits program stands relative to others and whether there have been improvements over time.

  1. Develop Actionable Recommendations

Based on your analysis, propose changes or enhancements to your benefits program. Highlight the most significant insights from the data. Look for patterns such as high satisfaction with certain benefits or widespread dissatisfaction in specific areas.

As a leading global hospitality company operating hotels worldwide, Hilton Worldwide Holdings receives strong employer ratings for its focus on diversity, inclusion, and providing discounted hotel stays for employees. With remote work options and healthcare benefits, Hilton aims to support its workforce while enabling career development and advancement opportunities.

Reviews praise managerial care for employees, competitive salaries, and excellent overall benefits. Despite some critique on PTO policies for newer staff, happy team members highlight perks like room discounts driving a positive employee experience. Overall, Hilton strives to empower employees through work culture, travel benefits, and supportive leadership.


Employee benefits surveys are an all important tool for companies to understand their workforce's preferences and tailor benefits accordingly. Conducting employee benefits surveys enables crucial workforce feedback. The findings provide insights into satisfaction levels and value of offerings to guide better spending decisions.

Key points:

  • Surveys gather direct employee feedback to optimize the benefits package.

  • Reasons include benchmarking, improving satisfaction/retention, and informing benefits strategy.

  • Segmenting responses by demographics reveals unique needs across employee groups.

  • Insights enable a tailored, competitive benefits program that supports talent.

Regular surveys support a listening culture where employees feel heard and valued. This drives engagement, productivity, and retention - essential for both worker wellbeing and organizational success. View surveys as an ongoing enhancement tool to shape a top-rated compensation and benefits experience.

This article was co-authored by Supriya Gupta and Vaishali Goswami, who work as digital marketers at Vantage Circle. For any queries reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com.

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