
 >> Micro Management

Micro Management


Micromanagement is a management style characterized by an overemphasis on supervision, control of team members, and obsession with minute task details. The manager closely scrutinizes and directs employees’ work, leaving little scope for their autonomy and involvement in decision-making.

Micromanagers strictly monitor progress, dictate tasks, and demonstrate a lack of trust in their team’s capabilities. Such a work environment that limits freedom of thought and autonomy will likely impact employees negatively, stifling creativity, decreasing morale, and sharply reducing their productivity. In addition, excessive control and supervision come at the expense of achieving broader organizational goals.

Use Cases

The negative impact it creates on employee morale and productivity can make micromanagement the least favorable management style. However, certain scenarios might make this management style temporarily necessary or beneficial. They are as follows:

  • Crisis Management: Micromanagement can be necessary during times of crisis or emergencies, where immediate and precise action becomes the need of the hour.
  • New Employee Training: During the initial stages of onboarding or training new employees, some level of micromanagement may become necessary. This will ensure that the employees understand tasks and procedures correctly until they become familiar with their respective roles and responsibilities.
  • High-Risk Projects: Micromanagement can help maintain quality control and safety standards in projects that involve high stakes or severe consequences for committing errors.
  • Transition periods: During organizational change, like mergers, acquisitions, or restructuring, micromanagement becomes temporarily necessary. This will ensure that processes are smoothly transitioned, eliminating minimal disruption to operations.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Similar to any management approach, micromanagement also comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages. They are as follows:


  • Detailed oversight: Micromanagement can potentially lead to enhanced work quality, given how it is closely monitored, supervised, and meticulously looked for details. This gives a clear view of the errors and issues that can be identified and addressed promptly.
  • Control: The high level of control micromanagers have over team activities and outcomes can be beneficial in situations that prioritize precision and accuracy.
  • Consistency: Micromanagement ensures that the work is performed consistently as per established standards and procedures, reducing any form of variability in outcomes.


  • Demotivation: Constant supervision and lack of autonomy can easily demotivate employees. This leads to decreased morale, job satisfaction, and productivity levels.
  • Stifled Creativity: Micromanagement hinders employees’ ability to think creatively and find innovative solutions to problems. This discourages them from taking any risks or trying new approaches.
  • Decreased Trust: The very act of micromanaging implies that the managers lack trust in their employees’ abilities. This can damage relationships between managers and their team members, hindering communication and collaboration.
  • Bottleneck: Micromanagers tend to become a bottleneck in decision-making processes, as all decisions need their approval, leading to delays and inefficiencies.
  • High Turnover: Employees demonstrate signs of frustration and disengagement under micromanagement. This directly leads to high turnover rates as employees seek opportunities elsewhere with more autonomy and trust from their supervisors.
