Thought Leadership
How Physical Fitness is directly related to Organisational Productivity
1st March, 2021

Fitness is a topic that has been gaining a lot of popularity from people of all backgrounds. From schools to organisations, fitness activities are now being promoted and encouraged for their immense benefits in health and wellbeing. Especially among employers, such activities have become significantly popular in recent years.
It is a known fact that being fit helps in staying healthy by boosting immunity. It helps cope with difficult situations and overcome them with ease.
However, how does being fit help a corporate employee, and why has fitness become a trend in the corporate world?
Fitness and the Corporate World
Employees are the assests of an organisation, and the employer’s ultimate goal is to make them deliver their best. For the workforce to reach maximum productivity levels, they have to be at their full potential, which is only possible if they stay physically and mentally fit.
In a corporate world enviornment, employees have to face heavy workloads and work stress at all time. Such an adverse situations can significantly affect employees’ productivity and also their health.
In such situations, promoting fitness among employees can significantly improve their health and health them perform better in adverse conditions. Not only that, organisations that promote fitness among employees are more likely to have higher productivity and fewer healthcare costs then organisations that evade employees’ health.
Healthy and fit employees are paramount to a company’s success. Research also shows increase in the employee productivity and decrease in stress levels when the wellness programmes are introduced in their organisation.
So, incorporating fitness programmes in the workplace can do a great deal of good to the workforce’s efficiency as a whole and individually. For the reasons mentioned above, fitness initiatives have become highly popular among employers worldwide. More and more employees to reap the benefits of improved employee health.
Benefits of Fitness in Organisations
Introducing fitness programmes and initiatives has always been the primary approach of organisations to improve employee health. Even with various oher ways to improve employee’s health, fitness programmes, remain at every corporate wellness programme’s heart.
Organisations must holistically encourage health and fitness among all the employees. Fitness activities like walkathons, e-marathons, should form an integral part of the organisation for ensuring employee health. By participating in such activities, employees can become fitter and healthier than they were before.
Here are some positive changes that can take place by introducing fitness programmes among the employees.
- Improved Health
- Improved Team Morale
- Increased Productivity
- Reduced Healthcare Costs
- Better Retention
- Decreased Absenteeism
- Better Company Culture
- Reduced Workplace Stress
- Increased Employee Engagement
All these changes lead to the growing success of the company. For instance, reduced absenteeism can contribute to reduced costs connected with productivity loss. Also, along with the quantity, the quality of work also improves significantly in the organisation.
Final Words
An employer must priortise improving the fitness of their employee. When employees become fitter and healthier, they will become more confident about themselves and less suspectible to workplace stress.
Being fit will lower employees’ risk of chronic diseases and reduces the organisation’s healthcare expenditure. Moreover, creating a culture of fitness will attract and retain top talents in the organisation.