Thought Leadership
The Rising Importance of Employee Health
16th February, 2021

Life in a corporate world always has its fair share of ups and downs. However, the past year was a year that rocked people worldwide, especially the corporate community.
With the coronavirus pandemic heavily impacting businesses worldwide, organizations worldwide have had to take measures to ensure that their employees are healthy and their business runs smoothly.
Being at the helm of Vantage Circle through the struggle against COVID-19 and its subsequent effects, my perspective towards the relationship between employee health and organizational success has evolved significantly. Having always emphasized employee health in our organization is what helped us thrive through probably the most challenging time for humankind in a very long time.
The Impact of Covid-19 in the Corporate Community
Ask any employer how the pandemic has affected their business, and they will have an endless list of negative things to say to you. From having to adopt remote working policies to laying off employees, Covid-19 has had a drastic impact on organizations worldwide.
The most unfortunate thing is that many organizations have shut down due to the lockdown’s financial repercussions. Consequently, many employees lost their jobs, which affected their mental and physical health as well.
How Working from Home Impacts One’s Health
Even though working from home has helped many organizations to continue their business operations during the pandemic, it has affected many individual employees, both physically and mentally.
We, humans, are social beings, and we thrive when we function together as a community. Working from home creates a disconnect between ourselves, and such circumstances can take a toll on our physical and mental health.
Health Hazards of Sitting All Day
It can’t be denied that corporate employees spend most of their time sitting. Especially while working from home, we tend to sit for long periods and usually with terrible posture.
If you don’t already know, sitting all day long can be extremely harmful to your overall health. Too much sitting can cause a myriad of health issues like obesity, stress, diabetes, and so on. Add to that incorrect posture, and you become at risk of neck pain and lumbago as well.
Why Employers Should Emphasize Employee Health During the Pandemic
I cannot stress in words how vital employee health is for an organization and why employers should emphasize it religiously. The success of an organization can be determined by the health of its employees.
During this pandemic, when employees worldwide struggled to cope with adversity, our workforce hung on with steadfast determination and mental resilience. Such resilience was only the result of various health initiatives we undertook to ensure our employees’ health during the pandemic.