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A Brief Guide For Your On-The-Job Training Program

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Working with a group of talented, and creative people has to be the most exciting part of running a business. But even a highly skilled staff needs a little extra to make them stand out. Like something along the lines of an on-the-job training program.

On-the-job training isn't a standard. But from lower training costs to more productive, on-the-job training is ideal. It helps to increase efficiency and engagement.

This article will explain how to get started with on-the-job training. You will know how it can benefit your company, in detail. You'll also learn more about the basics of on-the-job training and how to make it engaging for your staff.

Meaning Of On-The-Job Training

On-the-job training has a long history dating back to 2400 B.C.

Because not everyone was literate back then, it was the most practical way to learn about their jobs. The masons would teach about construction techniques used to build various structures. Pyramids building is a great example.

On-the-job training, also known as OJT, is a type of employee training that occurs on-the-job. Its purpose is to familiarize employees with their work environment. Along the way, they gain hands-on experience with machinery, tools, and other equipment.

Confronting the different forms of obstacles is an important part of the OJT program.

An experienced employee or manager plays the role of trainer. They pass on their knowledge and company-specific abilities to the new employee. It usually happens through written or verbal instructions and demos. Overall, employees can be stress-free and learn efficiently if the training is done on-the-job.

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How Is On-The-Job Training Different From Off-The-Job Training?

1. Location

  • On-the-job training is given at the actual job location.

  • Off-the-job training takes place somewhere other than the actual workplace. You can do it with simulations, videos, and assessments.

2. Productivity

  • In the case of on-the-job training, performance is carried out simultaneously. Thus, it doesn't hamper employee productivity.

  • Off-the-job training approaches provide training first, then real-world performance. And hence, it does not add anything to actual production during training.

3. Trainer

  • In most cases, on-the-job training is provided by experienced workers and first-line supervisors.

  • Academicians and professionals generally provide off-the-job training at locations.

4. Cost

  • On-the-job training is low-cost in infrastructure. It is because work tools and equipment used in the training items are available onsite.

  • Off-the-job training is comparatively more expensive than on-the-job training. It requires extra resources outside the workplace. For example, simulation experiences are quite costly and include training personnel fees.

5. Suitability

  • On-the-job training is better suitable for large-scale manufacturing businesses.

  • Non-manufacturing firms prefer off-the-job training, which focuses on theoretical rather than technical issues.

How To Plan An On-The-Job Training Program?

Workplace training is a type of human capital investment. Thus you need an effective plan to carry it out effectively. It's not difficult to put together a training program if you break it down into manageable chunks.

The ADDIE method is especially helpful when starting a new on-the-job training program. It focuses on:

  • Analyze: Analyze what your employees need to know to do their duties effectively.

  • Design: Decide on the format of your on-the-job training program.

  • Develop: Develop the methods, materials, and resources you will use in your training.

  • Implementation: Decide who, when, and how to execute your training course.

  • Evaluation: Get feedback to see if your training meets the needs of both you and your employees.

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Advantages Of On-The-Job Training

1. Easy to learn

It's much easier to learn when you can observe how a job is completed and have the opportunity to work on it yourself. As a result, it is more likely to produce better results than classroom or a textbook approach.

2. Continuous Productivity

It is unreasonable to expect high output within the first few days of on-the-job training. But, they can start contributing to the workforce, which is not usual in other training. You might try combining on-the-job training with online learning or classroom sessions. It boosts productivity even more especially if specific expertise is necessary to accomplish jobs.

3. Trainees get a safety net

Trainees can quickly understand the team's technique and adapt to their way of doing things by learning in the presence of a more experienced colleague. Having a more experienced employee by their side acts as a 'safety net' if things don't go as planned.

4. Better employee connections

Learning from one's coworkers can be the best source of on-the-job training guidance while fostering positive workplace connections. It creates a learning environment where coworkers can help to complete complex tasks.

5. Cost-effective

On-the-job training makes greater sense for cost-effectiveness because it mostly uses easily available resources. It might make sense to mix approaches, but you'll still save money on in-person training and travel.

Disadvantages Of On-The-Job-Training

1. Not much preferable for new hires during busy schedule

Expecting employees to learn on-the-job under pressure results in lesser productivity. They might battle to keep up as well. Some employees may rather learn in a classroom or on their own time through an online program. It may be worthwhile to provide some preliminary off-the-job training to assist new hires in preparing.

2. The best worker is the best trainer is a myth

Never presume that your top employees are capable of training others. No matter how competent they are at doing things, not everyone has the necessary skills to deliver the information. Based on the necessities, it is better to consider bringing in an off-site corporate trainer.

3. High risk of accidents

When new employees are brought into the workforce right away, the danger of an accident increases significantly. The risk of accidents increases substantially when trainees work on the floor, especially unaware of the dangerous machinery and other equipment.

Different On-The-Job Training Methods

Job Rotation

It involves the trainee moving from one job to the next. In each of the many job roles, the trainee obtains different knowledge and experience from their supervisor or trainer.

This strategy allows the trainee to comprehend and respect people's issues in various jobs. This form of training is commonly used to prepare managers for roles in general management.


This strategy entails assigning each employee a mentor or supervisor to train them, address their work-related concerns, and provide performance feedback.

Job Instruction

This type of training is also known as step-by-step training. In this method, the trainer instructs the trainee on how to perform the tasks.

They provide the necessary job skills, and knowledge before performing the actual task. The trainer evaluates the trainee's performance, provides feedback, and corrects the mistakes.

Committee assignments

A group of employees is given a work-related problem that they must solve through open and healthy dialogue. It's also a good approach to promote employee collaboration.

Apprenticeship Training

Apprenticeship Training is a combination of on-the-job and classroom training. People earn money while learning the skills required to execute a specific job.

Apprenticeship training is typically given to technical employees such as mechanics, electricians, artisans, welders, and others who work for a longer time under the supervision of professionals in each sector. Apprenticeship training lasts 4-5 years till the worker achieves expert status in their specialty.

How to Keep Your On-The-Job Training Interesting?

If your employees, especially your new hires, claim your training modules to be boring, you must work on the following:

1. Emphasize on employee survey

You should conduct a poll of your employees to learn about the bottlenecks that slow them down. Then leverage that information to create a meaningful, practical, and tailored training plan. In short, you must frame your training programs to address the needs of the learners.

2. Understand your employees' tastes

Everyone learns at a different pace. You must pledge to provide at least three distinct training delivery options for each of your training programs. Your employees might take a complete classroom course, attend webinars, or choose to train online. Selecting their learning process can remove the most significant barriers to training disengagement.

3. Make it appealing to them

We all know that we're much more engaged and attentive when having a good time. Even if the training material is dull, it can be more appealing by adding interactive elements. You can regularly incorporate activities into your on-the-job training programs. It will push employees to collaborate, form bonds, and win points or prizes.

4. Don't pressurize your new hires

Of course, your new employee must be familiar with the position they have been hired for. However, make sure they understand their goals and how to achieve them. Give them a clear image of where they fit into the bigger picture of your company's success.

Writing a list of everything you want your new hire to complete in the first few weeks is a fantastic way to start onboarding. Meanwhile, it's always best to start with a pre-training assessment. Post which, you can provide the basic onboarding details to make the new hires more aware of how things work.

Spreading out their training period over a few months can be highly helpful to avoid information overload. The idea is to provide the right training, at the right time, in the right way. It shouldn't be a new degree of dullness or an additional load. Follow up with a post-training assessment to ensure that the program was effective.

This article is written by Susmita Sarma, a digital marketer at Vantage Circle. She was involved with media relations before shifting her interest to research and creative writing. Apart from being a classical music buff, she keeps a keen interest in anchoring and cooking. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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