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Top 7 Employee Behaviors That Are Worthy Of Recognition

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The success of any business really comes down to how its employees behave. When team members show professionalism, work well together, and have a strong work ethic, the company thrives. It's so important to recognize and appreciate these positive behaviors to keep a happy and productive work environment.

In this blog, we’re going to dive into the different types of employee behaviors that deserve a shout-out.

Key Takeaways

  1. Meaning of Employee Behavior
  2. Top 7 Employee Behaviors That Really Need To Be Recognized
  3. Importance of Understanding Employee Behaviors
  4. Ways to Handle Difficult Employees

What is Employee behavior?

Employee behavior, also known as workplace behavior, includes the range of actions and reactions an employee demonstrates in a professional setting. It describes how employees interact with colleagues, handle tasks, and respond to different work-related situations.

Employee behavior can manifest in several ways:

  • Professionalism
  • Collaboration
  • Work Ethic
  • Communication
  • Adaptability

Understanding and managing employee behavior is crucial for maintaining a productive and harmonious workplace. Positive employee behavior fosters a supportive and efficient work environment. Negative behavior, on the other hand, can lead to conflicts and a toxic work culture.

Regularly, recognize and reward positive employee behaviors to reinforce a healthy workplace culture.

Top 7 Employee Behaviors That Really Need To Be Recognized

Employee Behaviors that are worth recognizing are as follows:

1. Humility

Everyone loves to take credits, but only a few will accept their own mistakes. And when such an employee is identified, pay attention. It calls for immediate recognition for his readiness to change and learn. Only when employees take accountability in the workplace for making things right that the workplace will see a refreshing change.

2. Adaptability

Employees with the ability to adapt and respond to the changing demands of the organization should be appreciated. They are the ones who would take-up challenges and still perform quite efficiently.

It is an essential trait in start-ups, considering the speed of changes that it faces. Without adaptive employees, they won't be able to stand up to the market expectations.

3. Teamwork


We already live in a competitive world where everyone sees the other as a threat. Hence, having workers who communicate very well with each other is a boon. And this quality in them should be recognized by praising them publicly or through tangible rewards. Moreover, it will highlight the importance of teamwork.

4. Problem-solving ability

Rather than merely stating the issue, if your employee brings you the resolution, keep them happy. They will make the best decisions to keep the company ahead and take you to the next level proactively. In short, they have the makings of leaders and deserve the best of recognition.

5. Confidence


A confident employee is more likely to succeed. Conversely, many workers who lack self-confidence are uncertain about their job, causing their work performance to suffer. As an employer or owner, it is your job to make sure that the employees feel good about themselves.

Recognizing and rewarding employees can instill confidence and help the employee feel that the company needs him and that he's thriving at his job.

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6. Dependability

Dependable workers need less supervision and can be put in charge of confidential or sensitive issues. It is one of the most important qualities that employers look for in employees. With them, no work keeps pending, and the company functions smoothly. Thus, it is prudent to recognize dependable employees.

That's it for our list of employee behavior that is worthy of recognition. Do you have any characteristics in your workplace that you respect and reward? Share them in the comments section.

7. Empathy


Empathy in the workplace is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. In the workplace, empathetic employees listen well, care about their colleagues, and respond thoughtfully. Recognizing and rewarding empathetic employees helps create a supportive and positive work environment.

  • Empathetic employees are a boon to any organization because they:

  • Improve team dynamics by reducing conflicts and building respect.

  • Increase job satisfaction by making everyone feel valued.

  • Enhance customer service by connecting better with clients.

  • Promote inclusivity by making everyone feel accepted.

Why is it Important to Understand Employee Behavior


Understanding employee behavior is crucial because it directly impacts the effectiveness of a workplace. When you get a hold of how your team members think and feel, you can manage them more effectively.

It helps you tailor strategies to motivate your employees, enhance their productivity and address any issue that might arise. Having an idea of how your employees behave also helps you develop effective ways of communicating with them. You’ll be able to give better feedback and sort out any conflicts more easily.

Employee behavior also has the potential to affect the bottom line of your business. Positive and professional behavior boosts productivity and improve the company’s reputation. Negative and unprofessional behaviors can hold the company back.

Moreover, for your company to succeed, you’ll need employees whose roles match their strengths and weaknesses. Each role requires specific traits. When the right people are in the right roles, they can engage with their work more effectively.

Therefore, assessing work behaviors, you’ll be able to figure out the best types of people to hire for different positions.

How to Handle Difficult Employees

Dealing with difficult employees can be challenging. But it's essential for maintaining a positive and productive work environment. Here are some strategies to help manage these situations effectively:


1. Identify the Behavior

First, pinpoint the specific behavior that is causing problems. Is the employee frequently late, not meeting deadlines, or disrupting team harmony? Understanding the exact issue is crucial before addressing it.

2. Schedule a Private Conversation

Arrange a one-on-one meeting with the employee in a private setting. It ensures confidentiality and allows for an open and honest discussion without distractions or pressure from other team members.

Before the meeting, prepare a few key points and examples to discuss. It will help keep the conversation focused and constructive.

3. Actively Listen

During the conversation, listen carefully to the employee’s perspective. Show empathy and understanding and let them explain their side of the story. You’ll be able to gain valuable insights into underlying issues. At the same time, show your employees that you value their input.

4. Set Clear Expectations

Clearly outline the expected behavior and the impact their current actions are having on the team and organization. Provide specific examples and set measurable goals for improvement. Make sure the employee understands what is expected of them going forward.

5. Document the Conversation

Keep a written record of the conversation, including the issues discussed, the employee’s responses, and the agreed-upon action steps. Such documentation can be useful for future reference. It will ensure a clear record of efforts made to address the behavior.


In conclusion, encouraging positive employee behaviors is key to a successful workplace. By promoting respect and teamwork, companies can keep their employees engaged and motivated. It leads to better performance and helps the organization thrive.

This article was co-authored by Sanjeevani Saikia and Susmita Sarma, who work as marketers at Vantage Circle. For any queries reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com.

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